One Word That Changed My Life

And it can definitely change yours

Supriya Sharma
2 min readDec 26, 2020
A Slovak realisation: Power of words

Are you on the quest of becoming a better person? Having a fulfilled life? Being in a state of happiness? Achieving your goals? Having lovelier relationships?

If you’ve come to believe that online courses, retreats, coaches, mentors, friends, journals, blogs, etc. can be pivotal in your catharsis, you’ve terribly mistaken. YOU are the only one who has the capacity and capability to transform your life. Struggle no more, the right moment is here.

I invite you to replace the words HAVE TO with the word GET.

Sometimes, a single word can be magical.

You don’t HAVE TO finish writing that dissertation which you’ve been working on for past 2 years, you GET to conclude that…and as you do so, you would earn the degree you were keen on receiving as a key to your next promotion…how stupefying is that?

You don’t HAVE TO work out, you GET to work out….and while you do, you get to exercise your body in ways so many others are not able to, and in teh bargain you are creating a healthy present and future for yourself…how astonishing is that?

You don’t HAVE TO take care of your mum who’s keeping unwell this winter, you GET to…many others don’t have the good fortune of serving the person who’s the reason of their existence in this amazing that you do?

You don’t HAVE TO go to work today, you GET to go to work today…many people have no source of income, no source of purpose, no source of utilising their education and knowledge…and look at yourself, out there working hard with clients and team members…how remarkable is that?

You don’t HAVE TO take your boyfriend’s call during lunch hour, you GET to speak to him…umpteen number of humans are on the constant look out for that person with whom they can share their life and soak up in love…how astounding that you have such a bae who cares for you?

You don’t HAVE TO pray, you GET to spend time in the company of that super power who you believe in…many others aren’t able to make that connection with the divine…how marvellous that you are spiritually sound?

You don’t HAVE TO wake up to the alarm each morning, you GET to witness the rising Sun…not many get this opportunity, life is uncertain…how awesome that you are amongst lucky few?

When you make this shift, you’ll leave the space of scarcity and fear, and enter a space of abundance and gratitude.

Give it a go and watch the magic happen!



Supriya Sharma

♥️ — Proud Daughter, Charmed Sister, Juliet sans Romeo; 🧠 — CX Alchemist, Business Strategist, Leadership Evangelist, Author, Investor