
An epicurish strategy for productivity

Supriya Sharma
2 min readApr 3, 2021
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Confined to four walls of your not-so-new-found home office? Feeling mundane and isolated? Look through the window of hope! Can you see the avenues of creativity opening up for you? As they say, for each door that closes, there are ninety-nine others that open.

What the conventional breaks on a routine day used to look like BC (Before Corona) are antiquities bygone — no water cooler chats, no client meetings over 4 pm coffee, no extended lunch hours, and no deskercises (exercises that can be done at the desk). But you have everything else under the Moon at your disposal now to be the productive version of your personal and professional self.

That’s when we delve into the concept of taking strategic breaks, the duration and execution of which are a strong function of your work profile and persona. In this lone post pandemic world, they sprinkle a sense of euphoria in life — colors, freedom, instantaneity and novelty. They are a lot more than just productivity, and mental and physical well-being hacks.

One such unique strategy is ‘Fooductivity’, a term that I am coining as I write, so let me decode it for you — it involves stimulating the epicure in you to achieve optimum productivity levels. For instance, in the 20 minutes break that I take every three hours, I whip up a quick dessert with the regular (and at times exotic) ingredients that I find on reaching out to the refrigerator, ensuring it to be a concoction of a treat to the eyes and nutrition (in line with my values). And the real beauty of this experience lies in its originality — implementation of an idea spontaneously born within me and not a repetition of some YouTube recipe already attempted by millions. In addition to the energy dose, it provides a sense of accomplishment as it validates my skill of curating customized solutions for customers (or businesses). The increased dopamine levels add momentum to the brain’s hunt to achieve more and encourage me to put my best foot forward for the post-break assignments resulting in superior performance.

Like desserts give me a kick, you could go ahead with whatever interests you and experience the strategic magic of food when working from anywhere (other than office).



Supriya Sharma

♥️ — Proud Daughter, Charmed Sister, Juliet sans Romeo; 🧠 — CX Alchemist, Business Strategist, Leadership Evangelist, Author, Investor